Bradley T. Hyman

Bradley T. Hyman
Director, Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Co Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, John B. Penney Jr. Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
(617) 726-2299
Understanding the neuropathophysiologies and the genetic factors that underlie dementia (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia).
Lab Website: Hyman Lab

Dr. Hyman directs the Alzheimer’s disease research unit at the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease, with the goal of understanding the neuropathophysiologic and genetic factors that underlie dementia. His laboratory studies the anatomical and molecular basis of dementia in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.
Dr. Hyman received his M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and he has received the Metropolitan Life Award, the Potamkin Prize, a National Institute on Aging MERIT award, and an Alzheimer Association Pioneer Award. He has been the Director of the Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center since 2006.

Blom ES, Giedraitis V, Zetterberg H, Fukumoto H, Blennow K, Hyman BT, Irizarry MC, Wahlund LO, Lannfelt L, Ingelsson M.  Rapid Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease in Subjects with Elevated Levels of Tau in Cerebrospinal Fluid and the APOE Epsilon 4/Epsilon 4 Genotype.  Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2009; 27:  458-464. [PMC Journal – In Process].
de Calignon A, Spires-Jones TL, Pitstick R, Carlson GA, Hyman BT. Tangle-Bearing Neurons Survive Despite Disruption of Membrane Integrity in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2009;  68:  757-761. [PMCID:  2756569].
Desikan RS, Cabral HJ, Fischl B, Guttmann CR, Blacker D, Hyman BT, Albert MS, Killiany RJ. Temporoparietal MRI Measures of Atrophy in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment that Predict Subsequent Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Am J Neuroradiol 2009; 30:  532-538. [PMCID:  2656417].
Freeman SH, Hyman BT, Sims KB, Hedley-Whyte ET, Vossough A, Frosch MP, Schmahmann JD. Adult Onset Leukodystrophy with Neuroaxonal Spheroids:  Clinical, Neuroimaging and Neuropathologic Observations. Brain Pathol 2009;  39-47. [PMCID:  2757058].
Fischl B, Stevens AA, Rajendran N, Yeo BT, Greve DN, Van Leemput K, Polimeni JR, Kakunoori S, Buckner RL, Pacheco J, Salat DH, Melcher J, Frosch MP, Hyman BT, Grant PE, Rosen BR, van der Kouwe AJ, Wiggins GC, Wald LL, Augustinack JC.  Predicting the Location of Entorhinal Cortex from MRI.  Neuroimage 2009;  47:  8-17. [PMCID:  2738987].
Guardia-Laguarta C, Coma M, Pera M, Clarimon J, Sereno L, Agullo JM, Molina-Porcel L, Gallardo D, Deng A, Berezovska O, Hyman BT, Blesa R, Gomez-Isla T, Lleo A. Mild Cholesterol Depletion Reduces Amyloid-Beta Production by Impairing APP Trafficking to the Cell Surface.  J Neurochem 2009;  110:  220-230. [PMCID:  2741735].
Herl L, Thomas AV, Lill CM, Banks M, Deng A, Jones PB, Spoelgen R, Hyman BT, Berezovska O. Mutations in Amyloid Precursor Protein Affect its Interactions with Presenilin/Gamma-Secretase. Mol Cell Neurosci 2009;  41:  166-174. [PMCID:  2732195].
Hoe HS, Fu Z, Makarova A, Lee JY, Lu C, Feng L, Pajoohesh-Ganji A, Matsuoka Y, Hyman BT, Ehlers MD, Vicini S, Pak DT, Rebeck GW. The Effects of Amyloid Precursor Protein on Postsynaptic Composition and Activity. J Biol Chem 2009;  284:  8495-8506. [PMCID:  2659208].
Hoe HS, Lee KJ, Carney RS, Lee J, Markova A, Lee JY, Howell BW, Hyman BT, Pak DT, Bu G, Rebeck GW.  Interaction of Reelin with Amyloid Precursor Protein Promotes Neurite Outgrowth.  J Neurosci 2009;  29:  7459-7473. [PMCID:  2759694].
Koenigsknecht-Talboo J, Meyer-Luehmann M, Parsadanian M, Garcia-Alloza M, Finn MB, Hyman BT, Bacskai BJ, Holtzman DM. Rapid Microglial Response Around Amyloid Pathology Following Systemic Anti-A_ Antibody Administration in PDAPP Mice. J Neurosci 2009; 28:  14156-14164. [PMCID:  2743894].
Koffie RM, Meyer-Leuhmann M, Hashimoto T, Adams KW, Mielke ML, Garcia-Alloza M, Micheva KD, Smith SJ, Kim ML, Lee VM, Hyman BT and Spires-Jones TL.  Oligomeric Amyloid Beta associates with Postsynaptic Densities and Correlates with Excitatory Synapse Loss Near Senile Plaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2009; 106:  4012-4017. [PMCID:  2656196].
Kuchibhotla KV, Lattarulo CR, Hyman BT, and Bacskai BJ. Synchronous Hyperactivity and Intercellular Calcium Waves in Astrocytes in Alzheimer Mice. Science 2009; 323:  1211-1215. [PMCID:  2884172].
Lu A, Hiltunen M, Romano DM, Soininen H, Hyman BT, Bertram L, Tanzi RE. Effects of Ubiquilin 1 on the Unfolded Protein Response. J Mol Neurosci 2009;  38:  19-30.
McFarland NR, Fan Z, Xu K, Schwarzschild MA, Feany MB, Hyman BT, McLean PJ.  Alpha-Synuclein S129 Phosphorylation Mutants do not Alter Nigrostriatal Toxicity in a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease.  J Neuropathol Exp Neurol2009;  68:  515-524. [PMCID:  2753269].
McFarland NR, Lee JS, Hyman BT, McLean PJ.  Comparision of Transduction Efficiency of Recombinant AAV Serotypes 1, 2, 5, and 8 in the Rat Nigrostriatral System. J Neuroschem 2009; 109:  838-845. [PMCID:  2698947].
Okereke OI, Xia W, Irizarry MC, Sun X, Qiu WG, Fagan AM, Mehta PD, Hyman BT, Selkoe DJ, Grodstein F. Performance Characteristics of Plasma Amyloid-Beta 40 and 42 Assays.  J Alzheimers Dis 2009;  16:  277-285. [PMCID:  2737811].
Philipson O, Hammarstrom P, Nilsson KP, Portelius E, Olofsson T, Ingelsson M, Hyman BT, Blennow K, Lannfelt L, Kalimo H, Nilsson LN.  A Highly Insoluble State of Abeta Similar to that of Alzheimer’s Disease Brain is Found in Arctic APP Transgenic Mice.  Neurobiol Aging 2009;  30:  1393-1405.
Rozkalne A, Spires-Jones Tl, Stern EA, Hyman BT.  A Single Dose of Passive Immunotherapy has Extended Benefits on Synapses and Neurites in an Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model. Brain Res 2009;  1280:  178-185. [PMCID:  2709850].
Serneels L, Van Biervliet J, Craessaerts K, Dejaegere T, Horre K, Van Houtvin T, Esselmann H, Paul S, Schafer MK, Berezovska O, Hyman BT,  Sprangers B, Sciot T, Moons L, Jucker M, Yang Z, May PC, Karran E, Wiltfang J, D’Hooge R, De Strooper B.  Gamma-Secretase Heterogeneity in the Aph1 Subunit:  Relevance for Alzheimer’s Disease. Science 2009;  324:  639-642.[PMCID:  2740474].
Sperling RA, Laviolete PS, O’Keefe K, O’Brien J, Rentz DM,  Pihlajamaki M, Marshall G, Hyman BT, Selkoe DJ, Hedden T, Buckner RL, Becker JA, Johnson KA.  Amyloid Deposition is associated with Impaired Default Network Function in Older Persons Without Dementia. Neuron 2009;  63:  178-188. [PMCID:  2738994].
Spires-Jones TL, de Calignon A, Stoothof W, Hyman BT. Tau Pathophysiology in Neurodegeneration – A Tangled Issue. Trends Neurosci 2009; 32:  150-159.
Spires-Jones TL,  Mielke ML, Rozkalne A, Meyer-Luehmann M, de Calignon A, Bacskai BJ, Schenk D, Hyman BT. Passive Immunotherapy Rapidly Increases Structural Plasticity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease.  Neurobiol Dis 2009; 33:  213-220. [PMCID:  2672591].
Spoelgen R, Adams KW, Koker M, Thomas AV, Andersen OM, Hallett PJ, Bercury KK, Joyner DR, Deng M, Stoothoff Wh, Strickland DK, Willnow TE, Hyman BT.  Interaction of the Apolipoportein E Receptors Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein and sorLA/LR11.  Neuroscience 2009;  158:  1460-1468. [PMCID:  2709796].
Stoothoff W, Jones PB, Spires-Jones TL, Joyner D, Chhabra E, Bercury K, Fan Z, Xie H, Bacskai B, Edd J, Irimia D, Hyman BT. Differential Effect of Three-Repeat and Four-Repeat Tau on Mitochondrial Axonal Transport. J Neurochem 2009;  11:  417-427. [PMCID:  2831412].
Viswanathan A, Raj S, Greenberg SM, Stampfer M, Campbell S, Hyman BT, Irizarry MC.  Plasma Abeta, Homocysteine, and Cognition:  The Vitamin Intervention for Stroke and Prevention (VISP) Trial.  Neurology 2009;  72:  268-272. [PMCID:  2677526].
Xiong JP, Mahalingham B, Alonso JL, Borrelli LA, Rui X, Anand S, Hyman BT, Rysiok T, Muller-Pompalla D, Goodman SL, Arnaout MA. Crystal Structure of the Complete Integrin AlphaVbeta 3 Ectodomain plus an Alpha-Beta Transmemberan Fragment.  J Cell Biol 2009;  186:  589-600. [PMCID:  2733745].
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